Friday, September 12, 2014

Leaving Zermatt

Marissa and I are sitting on the train waiting to go to Visp. Headed to the next leg of our adventure, we're leaving Zermatt but with so much more than when we arrived. 

It's hard to really put into words what Zermatt means to me. It's majestic and awesome, full of grandure while at the same time warm and cozy, intimate and personal. I've never been to a place like this and had an experience of such importance. I've also had so much fun. 

I came to Zermatt with a girlfriend and a dream. I leave with a Fiancé and a dream fulfilled. I could not ask for more from this place. It has been beautiful throughout.

It's not a question of if we will return but when. This place feels like a home. It's always easy to feel that way when surrounded by such beauty. Our Zermatt is different though. It is the specialist of places to me. Sacred. 

This is not an end but only a beginning. 

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